Stop Profit From Falling Through The Cracks

Download The 6-Point Process Checklist to write more effective business standard operating procedures (SOPs). Create processes that:

  • Train Workers Faster

  • Hold Your Team Accountable

  • Ensure Continuity

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"Xavier’s ability to see both the big picture and translate that into the necessary details has been instrumental to our success of our ‘process mapping’ project."

Claire Holmes, Project Manager, Mountaintop Consulting


Meet Xavier Chang

If your company isn't running smoothly even as it grows, now is the time to make important changes. I work directly with leaders of businesses that have $10 million to $100 million in revenue. They don't have time to analyze every step in their operations, but they know their employees need a better process. Leverage my experience as a business owner, team lead, and management consultant, and let's improve the way your company works.

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