A platform designed to help support your company’s journey to stopping profit from falling through the cracks.
The highest quality content from XC Consulting
When you subscribe to an XC Consulting plan, you also get access to XC Foundations®, a service to help your team make decisions, align on company priorities, and work more efficiently.
Each module contains ad-free instructional video and downloadable resources so you and your team can immediately apply the practices to your unique organization needs.
Creating Better Processes
Tired of profit falling through the cracks? In this module, learn the five main ingredients to create better processes in your company.
Setting Your Priorities
Trouble prioritizing your initiatives? In this module, learn about the Impact/Effort Matrix and how this framework can help bring your ideas to life.
Hiring Contractors
Think it's too expensive to outsource? In this module, learn about key factors to consider when deciding to continue doing the work yourself.
Hosting Effective Meetings
Looking to make your meetings more effective? In this module, learn about how to host meetings to drive action and position yourself as a trusted partner.
Creating Storylines That Sell
Need to make a compelling argument to Senior Management, Shareholders, or Investors? In this module, learn about the Storyline-style presentation and how you can use the framework to create storylines that sell.